I like to shoot headshots. Being in Virginia, it isn't exactly an actor hotspot. It certainly isn't NYC or LA. But there are actors and actresses in this area performing locally and/or looking to break into the field on a larger scale. I get contacted to do headshots on a fairly regular basis.
However, I have found that many are reluctant to sign a model release. Photographers in the business of photographing people rely on model releases a great deal. A model release allows the photographer to use images made during a session in future advertising, marketing materials, portfolios, etc. Without the release, a photographer cannot legally use an image. State laws vary, but in Virginia a written release is required. A verbal "ok" release does not fly in Virginia. I have adopted a rule, if you don't sign a release, I won't shoot the session. I know some photographers just charge an additioinal amount (usually alot more) if someone opts out of signing a release. I choose not to go that route. My desire to grow my business outweighs everything else. The only way I can really do that is to have more images to show. I hope that covers the model release issue.
I challenged myself to do a 90-minute session to see what I could walk away with in terms of different looks, etc. The model I used has very little experience in front of the camera. I say this because I believe we really maximized our time and got several different looks; all with a model that is not that familiar with being in front of a camera. He aspires to do print work, so if you are an agent or other rep looking for new faces, please contact me and I will put you in touch with the model.