This weekend I had about 45 minutes to kill so I headed out to the field at Meadowood (see other blog entries for info). It was very foggy on this morning and I was traveling light, gear-wise. Camera, 50mm 1.4, 12-24mm 4.0, tripod (Gitzo 1348 with a
Really Right Stuff BH55 Head) and assorted small things in my camera bag. I really had some landscape images in mind heading out. However,

the fog was very heavy and dense. I couldn't see anything in the field, trees, wildlife, sky, nothing. I didn't have time to trek about looking for solid compositions. I was ready to just head home when I noticed the webs, laden with dew drops! Granted, I was ill-prepared to shoot these little gems but I really wanted to come away with something since I rarely see them in this area. I had no macro or long lens, I was wearing shorts and the tall grass was very wet and I didn't have a plastic trash bag that I usually use to kneel on to keep from getting wet and muddy. Minor inconveniences, that's all.
So, I fooled around with the 50mm lens, looking for a good composition. Nothing was happening at that focal length

. Extension Tubes!! I pulled out a couple of tubes, attached various ones to my camera and sorta found what I was looking for. The working distance between the lens and the subject was tight and between my legs, tripod or arms hitting the tall grass and thus making the webs sway, it wasn't the ideal situation. But, better than walking away with nothing. I made a note to myself to bring more lenses because you never know. You set out with one visual in mind and the next thing you know, your vision voice takes you in another direction. The images you see are some of what I came away with in about 45 minutes time.

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