Our trip to Indian Shores was a vacation. It wasn't a photo expedition, a photo surfari, or a photo trek. With that in mind and still wanting to make sure I did find some photo ops, I did a little research about the area and managed to get up early some mornings and venture out on my own. I don't know about you, but when I am out looking for scenes and shooting images, nobody wants to be around. I take too long. I take too many shots. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Vacations are always too short. You try and cram as much in as you can in a certain number of days and many times you go home exhausted. Exhausted from a trip that took you away from work and the routine of your daily life. A trip you took with the intent of relaxing and decompressing in order to get back to the real world feeling fresh and ready to take things head on. I know most, if not all, have felt this way at one time or another. It's funny. We joke about it. We accept it. And we do it again the next year.
We did lots of things on vacation, many of which I didn't document with a camera. I captured enough to personally remind us of the great time we spent in and around Indian Shores. And, I believe I managed to get a few keepers to satisfy my photography addiction.
*By the way, for those of you that believe I spelled "safari" wrong, it's a play on words, haha.
Hi Mike, thanks for your recent comment on my blog, it was very encouraging to read. I appreciate it.
Fun shots with the iphone (I saw somewhere you could get a Polaroid app for it - I don't have one myself, but it looked like a cool effect).
I like this bucket shot on the beach. It's beautiful and simple.
Oh boy, I can relate to what you're writing in this post although I have to say I have an excellent and patient partner in Myriam, but still. We do want to take our time making our photos :-)
As for your notes on holidays, you're spot on too, but hopefully the change of air and leisurely experiences still makes us return with energized batteries! I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to more images from the trip...
Your faithful readership is appreciated here as well. This blog gets a decent number of views without comments being left. I understand this completely, as I am guilty of "cruising" many blogs myself without commenting. This place is mainly a way for me to post some images, think them through, talk about them and the experience a little and share some info from time to time. For me, it has helped with my photography.
To your comments, yes the iPhone is a neat gadget. I've always had the bare bones, nubs-of-a-phone that you get free with the service contract. Even the kids had better phones than I. So, I decided it was time. And, there are so many apps out there. I have one allows you to apply various filters to mimic holga. lomo, magazine-style, etc. That's a fun one. I've yet to break the surface I'm sure. It's a 72dpi
600 x 800 image weighing in at about 116KB. Not sure if there is a way to increase that or not.
Yes, I am sure most photographers who shoot just beyond the grab-shot, snap-shot level can relate to the "not another picture", "why are you bringing the camera?", "we'll be waiting in the car" scenario.
We are rested and ready for another holiday (I've always liked that reference) already! More images on the trip coming soon. Thanks again.
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