Saturday, December 13, 2008

Warming Up For the Holidays

Here is a single image of Holiday Lights. From our very own Christmas tree. I'm sure there will be plenty more images from the Holiday Season, so I consider this to be a warm-up. It's fun to look through the viewfinder and discover the different designs made by the lights by varying focal lengths and degrees of focus.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Adoption of the Infamous Peanut !!

I recently learned through this website that Peanut, the Black-Footed Ferret (BFF), and son of Georgia, can be adopted! If you have followed the story of Peanut through this blog or elsewhere, then you know how valuable Peanut is to the entire BFF community. If not, please checkout previous posts to get up to date. I also finally learned the name of Peanut's father, Butch.

I think this is really cool. Check out the website for a clear color image of Peanut. And, see what's in it for everyone that chooses to adopt him. A very worthwhile investment. As well, there are other BFFs that can be adopted.