Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Washington, DC Street Scene

One of an endless stream of street scenes in Washington, DC. One thing that I really notice while walking around the city during this time of year is the variety of trees that have been planted along the streets and in the parks. Many colors, sizes, and shapes. I bet alot of it goes unnoticed by many due to the busy, quick pace of the city.

I used a lensbaby 2.0 lens for this image.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Colorful Tree Bark

I was out at Pohick Bay today. There was some fog this morning so I thought I would head out to the water and see if anything dramatic developed. There wasn't much dramatic happening as far as fog, water and mood were concerned. But, I had the great pleasure in watching several Ospreys hunt for breakfast. They were really noisy this morning. Chattering and screaming at each other. It's really hard to describe. Hopefully, you have had the privilege or will at some point put yourself in a position to witness such a thing. I have a 300mm f/2.8 lens but it really isn't adequate to catch birds in flight unless they are right in front, or over top, of me. So, rather than shooting away, I just used the lens as a makeshift spotting scope and casually observed.

Not wanting to go home without capturing something, I came across some trees that had this colorful "stuff" growing on them. It's lichen actually. Most likely, F. caperata, but I'm no lichen expert. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I shot away. The images here have been treated with the Orton effect. As well, the two smaller "bookend" images, are digital multiple exposures. I enhanced the colors using Nik Software's Color Efex Pro (Brilliance/Warmth filter).

I am rather pleased with the final results.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

American Kestrel

The American Kestrel is just an all-around cool falcon. A true falcon. Sometimes it's referred to as a Sparrow Hawk. Not even, as we used to say. A colorful bird, particularly the male, that is all business. Check out that expression and those talons. Although it's the smallest falcon in North America, it's attitude makes up for everything. You think you've never seen one? It's likely you have and just didn't realize what you were seeing. They can be seen hanging out on phone lines and fence posts over open fields. Plus, they are no strangers to urban areas.

Next time you find yourself cruising the countryside, keep your eyes peeled for this cool bird.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Unlike the lion from yesterday, this guy may have more of a reason to hide. They have predators to worry about as well as people with cameras trying to get close to them.

Iguanas are different than most other reptiles in that they are herbivores. This image was made in Aruba. Taken near Arashi Beach. By the way, if you make it to Aruba, this beach is great. It's a popular shallow scuba dive area and the snorkeling is some of the best around the island if you are looking to walk right off the beach into the water.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

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Hiding Lion

Whenever I look at this image, first I like the branches and stuff in front of the lion's face, then I'm not so sure. Then I like it, then I'm not so sure. I know I do like the tone I got from Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro.

The image makes me think that the lion is thinking, "I'm going to sorta put myself behind these twigs as an exercise, but we all know that I don't have to hide because I can really have pretty much anything I want."

Afterall, he is the King.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Traffic At Night

I took this image from the top level of a parking garage in Arlington, VA. I really like the tones in the image as well as the movement and curve formed by the cars making a Left Turn. Processing was done with Nik Software Color Efex Pro.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bath Time!

Our three ferrets in the process of getting one of their periodic baths. From top to bottom, Apache, Ariel and Bobby.

To the uninitiated, don't worry. They are not being choked. When dry, ferrets are a bundle of flying, flipping, fluffy fun and look bigger than they actually are. When wet, like in the images here, their true size becomes more apparent. So, the human hand looks much larger and gives the menacing look of a choke hold. Not true at all.

Our ferrets get the best food, the best litter, a great three-level cage and most importantly, lots of time outside the cage and attention from us.

There is a great "no kill" ferret rescue and placement organization in Northern Virginia, Ferrets First. Check them out if you are considering a ferret as a pet. Adoption is a great way to go. The three ferrets seen here have all been adopted from Ferrets First.

Also, if you own a ferret and find that your current situation requires that you must get rid of, or can no longer properly care for, him or her, please contact a ferret rescue shelter in your area. This is preferred rather than selling or giving your ferret away through some type of online service. By giving your ferret to a rescue shelter, you are ensuring that your ferret will get the proper care, love and attention he or she needs while waiting for the rescue shelter to find the perfect new home. If you can't find a shelter in your area, contact any resuce shelter and they will happily help you locate one.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Stairs To Where?

No clue as to where the stairs lead?

Stairs or a fence?

The images from today and yesterday were converted to B/W using NikSoftware's Silver Efex Pro. Note the grain in today's image. Very appealing to me.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stairs In the Dark

Encounters like this have me asking, "Where's the elevator?"

Where do they go?