This image was made with the same setup as the earlier "Spring Tulips Through a Lensaby" entry. That is, a LensBaby Original, widest aperture ring, and the Telephoto Adapter. "What, why would you use a Telephoto Adapter on a landscape image?" you ask. Good question, I did have the LensBaby Wide Angle Adapter (I mention this because I think your question implies "why not wide angle"), however, I wanted to compress the image. That is, "stack" the foreground subject(s) with the background. To me, it made a better composition.
If you haven't been able to tell up to this point, I have a preference for a more abstract approach to things. Abstract may be too harsh or too extreme of a word, but I gravitate towards soft focus, soft colors, certain in-camera techniques and other things that throw the subject matter into a different zone.
Hi Mike, very enjoyable image and I liked the 'stacked' composition and certainly also the (very) soft focus look here. It's terrific and I enjoy this style/look as well, sometimes abstracting even more (as I know you do too). Anyway, super image. I am going to try to put your blog in my google reader, so I can visit more often. Hope you are well!
Thanks. Always happy to get feedback.
Thanks for stopping by and for linking in with the reader.
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