I came across a "patch" of tulips the other day and knew I had to shoot some images. Tulips are probably one of the most photographed flowers around, especially in springtime. So, with that in mind, I wanted to represent them in a different, non-conforming way. In other words, not just the usual tulip portrait.
I got a few that I liked and will share them over a few blog entries. This first one was made with a LensBaby Original and the telephoto adapter attached. I was pleasantly surprised when viewing this image in the LCD of my camera and even more surprised and satisfied when I pulled it up on my computer screen.
I know you can't tell that they are tulips, so in that sense they are non-representational of a tulip, but I think the image clearly comes across as a rainbow of flowers.
Literal tulips or not it's a great image. Mike. I love the colours and blurry feel. I recently bought the lensbaby composer with the three extra lenses and have played a bit, but will need to play more. I am slowly getting back on track with my photography. I have moved my desk out of my daughters room which mean I have now claimed back some computer time (i.e. processing images and looking at blogs again). I have also sold my XpanII (which hurth) and have used the money to buy a Canon 5D MKII) so now I will be contrating me efforts within digital mainly.
Thanks for the comments and update.
I've read and seen great things about the LensBaby Composer. I suppose I will eventually get one. I do like the quality (or lack thereof) of the Original. And, each image is bound to be different since you can hardly maintain the same amount of "bend" which was made easier by the 3G and now even more by the Composer.
By the way, most people only think to bend and pull on the lens. For those with the Original and 2.0, don't forget to "bend and push" also.
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